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First Quality ~ First Time

Apparatus Repair & Engineering, Inc.

A.R.&E. is the Premier Electric Motor Sales, Service, and Repair facility in the quad-state region of Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. This business began in 1927, and we are proud to continue the efforts of the founding partners who have served the local Commercial and Industrial markets over these many years. Times have changed in the many years since the inception of this business, and A.R.&E. is growing and changing with the times. Today the use of AI, computers, and factory automation is necessary for businesses to remain competitive in the global market, and A.R.&E. is here to assist with those challenges. And we promise our work will be... First Quality ~ First Time.

Open for Business

A.R.&E is Open For Business! Monday through Friday, 8:00AM until 5:00PM, and 24/7 for emergencies. Call us at (301) 739-8285

NEW Location

We're OPEN for business but at a DIFFERENT location. Come to 17500 York Road, Hagerstown, MD 21740 (the Halfway Area) for the same excellent service you've been used to receiving.

Did I Mention We're Open?

Apparatus Repair & Engineering is Open for Business... 8 to 5, Monday through Friday and 'round the clock service for emergencies. (301) 739-8285 gets you all the help you need.

Coronavirus - Covid-19

What the virus looks like under atomic magnification. (Photo courtesy

Turning the Corner in Asia

Looks like China and South Korea have turned the corner on NEW cases of the virus. That's what Social Distancing will do for us, too. Let's all get with the program.

Latest Worldwide Stats

This chart is the top 10, of 204, countries listed in the world by ranking of total infections. You can click this slide photo to be taken to the full list on the web. While it's not appealing to be #1 on this list, other columns show that our stats are certainly not as bad as some, when you consider our population compared to others.

Did You Hear? We're Open For Business!

Social distancing and use of hand sanitizer is key to protection. (Photo courtesy / Amanda Mills

Social Distancing

This is not some "pie in the sky" theory! This really works! Look at the results in China and South Korea. But EVERYONE has to participate. Beach goers bring the virus BACK to the folks that are fighting in the trenches and ruin everything we're trying to do. Get with the program, folks!

Social Distancing

This is not some "pie in the sky" theory! This really works! Look at the results in China and South Korea. But EVERYONE has to participate. Beach goers bring the virus BACK to the folks that are fighting in the trenches and ruin everything we're trying to do. Get with the program, folks!

There's Hope!

We're in this together isn't just a slogan... it's a fact! We'll get through it but we've all got to do our part. Have Faith, and remember that "We're in this Together".

Hoist Repair IRIS Insulation Sleeve Bearings Spray Welding
themed object
First Quality ~ First Time
get in touch

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The Management